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Terms of Use & Disclaimers



If you do not accept these Terms of Use in full, the use of the Website must be terminated immediately.


The Website presents information, data, content, news, reports, programs, video, audio and other materials and services including e-mail alert service, communications, transmissions and other items, tangible or intangible (collectively, the 'Information').


1. Change of Terms.


WPG Corporate & Secretarial Services Ltd.  ('us', 'we', 'our', WPG ) may change the Terms of Use from time to time in our sole discretion without notice or liability to you. By continuing to use the Website following such modifications to the Terms of Use, you agree to be bound by such modifications


2. Changes to Website.


We may, at our absolute discretion and at any time, without prior notice to you, add to, amend or remove material from the Website, or alter the presentation, substance, or functionality of the Website.


3. User Conduct on the Website.


As a condition of your use of the Website, you may not:


3.1  trespass, break into, access, use or attempt to trespass, break into, access or use any other parts of our servers, and/or any data areas for which you have not been authorised by us;


3.2 restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Website;


3.3 post or transmit any unlawful, fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, offensive, or otherwise objectionable or unreasonable information of any kind, including without limitation any transmissions constituting or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, national or foreign law;


3.4 post or transmit any advertisements, solicitations, chain letters, pyramid schemes, investment opportunities or schemes or other unsolicited commercial communication, or engage in spamming or flooding;


3.5 post or transmit any information or software which contains a virus, trojan horse, worm or other harmful component;


3.6 post, publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute or in any way exploit any Information obtained through the Website for commercial purposes; or


3.7 upload, post, publish, transmit, reproduce, or distribute in any way, any component of the Website itself or any Information obtained through the Website which is protected by copyright, or other proprietary right, or create derivative works with respect thereto, without our prior written permission.


You have no rights in or to the Information and you will not use the Information, except as permitted under these Terms of Use.


4. Third Party Information.


The Information may contain information provided by third parties or sourced by us from news agencies, business information sources, press releases or other references or sources. We are not responsible if any such Information is not up-to-date.


We do not separately verify the Information provided by such third party or agency and you are cautioned thus as to the reliability and accuracy of the Information. We do not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of any such Information.


Any use of and reliance on such Information is at your own risk.


5. Prohibition of Access.


We reserve the right at all times to prohibit or deny your access to the Website or any part thereof immediately and without notice, where we are of the opinion that you have breached any of the terms contained in these Terms of Use or that such prohibition or denial is appropriate, desirable or necessary in our sole opinion.


6. Links to and from the Website.


The links on the Website may take you to other sites and you acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the accuracy or availability of any Information provided by linked websites. Links to other websites do not constitute an endorsement by us of such websites or the Information, products, advertising or other materials available on those websites.


7. Intellectual Property Rights.


All intellectual property rights subsisting in respect of the Website belong to us or have been lawfully licensed to us for use on the Website. All rights under applicable laws are hereby reserved. Except with our express permission, you are not allowed to upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any way any component of the Website itself or create derivative works with respect thereto, as the Website is copyrighted under applicable laws.


You agree that we are free to use, disclose, adopt and modify all and any ideas, concepts, knowhow, proposals, suggestions, comments and other communications and information provided by you to us ('Feedback') in connection with the Website without any payment to you.


You hereby waive and agree to waive all and any rights and claims for any consideration, fees, royalties, charges and/or other payments in relation to our use, disclosure, adoption and/or modification of any or all of your Feedback


8. Limited Liability and Warranty.


8.1 All Information is for your general reference only. We do not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of such Information.




8.2 We do not guarantee or assume any responsibility that:


8.2.1 the Information on the Website is accurate, adequate, current or reliable, or may be used for any purpose other than for general reference;


8.2.2 the Information on the Website is free of defect, error, omission, virus or anything which may change, erase, add to or damage your software, data or equipment;


8.2.3 messages sent through the internet will be free from interception, corruption or loss;


8.2.4 access to the Website will be available or be uninterrupted; or


8.2.5 defects in the Website will be corrected. In no event shall we be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, including any loss of business or profit, arising out of any use, or inability to use, the Information, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.


You will exercise and rely solely on your own skill and judgment in your use and interpretation of the Information.


You are responsible to ensure that your use of the Information complies with all applicable legal requirements.


The limitation of liability contained in these Terms of Use will apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws.


9. Indemnity.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, our employees, agents, officers, directors, contractors, suppliers and other representatives harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, actions, costs and expenses (including legal fees), in connection with or arising from your breach of these Terms of Use and/or your use of the Website.


We may, if necessary, participate in the defence of any claim or action and any negotiations for settlement. No settlement which may adversely affect our rights or obligations shall be made without our prior written approval. We reserve the right, at our own expense and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defence and control of any claim or action.


10. Privacy Policy.


For information about our privacy policies and practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy Statement.


Where personal data is collected in connection with the Services, you should also have reference to the Personal Information Collection Statement linked to the form through which your personal data is collected. For information on our use of information, please also refer to our Privacy Policy Statement.


11. Partial Invalidity.


The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms of Use under the law of any jurisdiction shall not affect its legality, validity or enforceability under the laws of any other jurisdiction nor the legality, validity or enforceability of any other provision.


12. Miscellaneous.


No waiver of any breach under these Terms of Use will amount to a waiver of any other breach. The headings in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation.


13. Governing Laws and Jurisdiction.


These Terms of Use shall be governed by the law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ('Hong Kong'). You agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.


14. Disclaimer


The materials contained in the Website are provided for general information purposes only and should not be construed as legal, accounting, financial or tax advice or opinion on any specific facts or circumstances and should not be relied upon in that regard.


WPG accepts no responsibility for any loss, which may arise from reliance on information contained in the Website.


You are urged to seek your own legal counsel concerning your own situation and any specific legal question that you may have. This disclaimer of liability applies to any loss, damage or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, transmission blackout, incorrect data transmission, delay in operation or transmission due to internet traffic or otherwise, computer virus or other harmful item, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to, alteration of, or use of record, caused by your computer or for breach of contract, tortious behaviour, negligence, or under any other cause of action.


You specifically acknowledge that WPG is not liable for any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of other users or their parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user.


The contents of other websites, services, goods or advertisements that may be linked from the Website are not maintained or controlled by WPG.


WPG is therefore not responsible for the availability, content or accuracy of other websites, services or goods that may be linked from, or advertised on the Website.


WPG does not:


a. make any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the use of the links provided on the Website;


b. guarantee the accuracy, veracity, reliability, completeness, usefulness or adequacy of any other websites, services, goods or advertisements that may be linked from the Website; or


c. make any endorsement, express or implied, of any other websites, services, goods or advertisements that may be liked from the Website.


WPG is also not responsible for the reliability or continued availability of the telephone lines and equipment you use to access the Website. You understand that WPG and/or third party contributors (if any) to the Website may choose at any time to inhibit or prohibit their content from being accessed under these terms and conditions.


Under no circumstances including but not limited to negligence shall WPG, its suppliers, third party agents, or any person or entity involved in creating, producing or distributing the Website be liable to you or for any third party claims or losses of any nature or direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages even if an authorised representative of WPG had been advised specifically of the possibility of such damages, arising from use of or inability to use the Website or any provision of the terms such as but not limited to loss of revenue or anticipated profits or lost business.

Privacy Policy

1. Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance


LKKC CPA Ltd complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ('Ordinance') of Hong Kong. For more information on the Ordinance, visit the official website of the Office of the Privacy Commission


2. Your Personal Data


It is our policy to protect the privacy of users of the Website. We may, however, collect a very limited amount of your personal data (by "personal data", we mean information about you or which can be used to ascertain your identity).


For example, we may collect some information about you when you visit the Website because your internet provider address needs to be recognised by our server. You may also be invited to provide some information about yourself on various pages of the Website.


3. Collection and Use of your Personal Data


Any personal data collected from you on the Website will only be used for the specific purposes mentioned at the time of collection or for purposes directly related to those specific purposes and/or in LKKC CPA Ltd’s Personal Information Collection Statement.


4. Direct Marketing


We may use your name and contact details to send you marketing materials about our legal services and/or related products, but to do so we will obtain your consent (or an indication of no objection). If you do not want to receive our marketing materials, please send an email stating this through our contact page. More information about this can be found in our Personal Information Collection Statement.


5. Retention of Your Personal Data


We will retain your personal data only for so long as is necessary for fulfilling the purpose for which they were collected. After that time, you data will be erased.


6. Disclosure


Your personal data will generally be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any other person without your consent. Your personal data may also be disclosed where we are required to do so by law. Please also refer to our Personal Information Collection Statement as appropriate, for details


7. Security We have installed security systems to ensure your personal data are not subject to unauthorised access.


8. Your Right of Access to and to Correct Personal Data


You are entitled, in accordance with the Ordinance, to check whether we hold data about you and to have access to those data. If any of these data are incorrect or inaccurate, you have the right to correct or update them. Requests for access to or to correct personal data should be addressed to WPG.


In accordance with the Ordinance, we are entitled to charge a reasonable fee for processing any data access or correction requests.


9. Cookie Usage Policy


Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device by websites you visit. The information that the cookies collect, such as the number of visitors to the site, the pages visited and the length of time spent on the site, is aggregated and therefore anonymous. We also use software that places a cookie on your device to understand whether you read the emails and other materials, such as legal publications, that we send to you, click on the links to the information that we include in them and whether and how you visit our website after you click on that link (immediately and on future visits).


You may refuse the use of cookies or withdraw your consent at any time by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. Please note that removal of cookies may affect your use and experience of our website.


By continuing to use our website without changing your privacy settings, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. To find out more about cookies, including how to manage and delete them, visit

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

WPG is a company that is closely affiliated to the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) firm, LKKC - CPA Ltd. 


CPA firms in Hong Kong are subject to AML laws, which means WPG is therefore also subject under the following ordinances:


  • The Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance

  • The Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance

  • The United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Ordinance


What do AML laws and regulations mean for clients of CPA firms in Hong Kong?


Clients may be asked to provide information relating to their personal profile and financial details, which may not be directly related to their instructions.


It is necessary for CPA firms to obtain this information to satisfy the AML legal and regulatory requirements that are applicable by law to firms in Hong Kong.


We kindly ask clients for their understanding and co-operation when we make requests for personal and financial information.


CPA firms are required to gather sufficient relevant client information to satisfy the following AML compliance objectives:


a. Client due diligence.


b. Enhanced client due diligence when instructions present an AML risk.


c. Reporting suspicions of money laundering and terrorist financing.


d. Record keeping.


e. Staff awareness and training.


CPA firms may take steps to mitigate the risk of earning a negative reputation by association if asked to act on transactions involving individuals or organizations who have proven or potential criminal or terrorist .

Terms of Use
Private Policy
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